A table window is opened as a response to a query or from the Sentences-window (as long as table output is selected in the Output Preferences-window). Table windows are dynamically laid out to display a set of sentences of a given type in a grid/spreadsheet-style format. Each row shows one sentence. The columns correspond to the sentence type's data elements. The leftmost column is simply a row counter, while the upper-most row shows the name of the data element types.

The window is horizontally scrollable when the columns don't fit into the MDI window. The window is vertically scrollable when the actual number of rows exceed the maximum row preference (see Output Preferences-window). 



The column widths are based on the width-data element of the corresponding data element type (subject to some adjustments). You can change the column widths by dragging the cell-border of the upper-most row, however you cannot increase the total size of the window directly. You will then need to open the Layout-window, where you can change column-widths (and total window width), data element type format data as well as specify sorting. You open the Layout-window by pressing the layout-tool in the toolbar.

Note that layouts are stored in the KB for future use. The Layout-window can also be opened via the menu (Structure - Table layout).


A pop-up window will be displayed when the leftmost (row-number) column is right-clicked. This pop-up window has three commands:

Display sentence displays the sentence in the selected row in a Sentence-window, where it can be edited and updated, edited and stored as a new sentence or deleted. Derived sentences cannot be updated/deleted.

Add new sentence opens the Sentence-window with no values for the data elements (such that a new sentence can be entered).

Delete sentence deletes the sentence in the selected row. The row will be blanked out (but retained in the table window for technical reasons). Derived sentences cannot be deleted.


The table will be printed or copied to the text editor when the print-tool in the toolbar is pressed (this corresponds to the menu item File - Print). The table can be printed in full or a selected range of rows can be printed. Two formats are available i.e. tabular format or form format.