The Sentences-window is the main entry point for browsing, listing and several other sentence-related functions.

The Sentence Group-combo is populated with all sentence groups (SGs) in the current segment context. All sentence types in the group will be displayed in the Sentence Types-listbox when a sentence group is selected. The window is initially populated with all non-external sentence types. You can select whether or not you want to include sentences from external chains (check box control) [3KB-type databases only].


  • The List Sentences-button is used to open a table window with all sentences of the selected sentence type.
  • The Browse Sentences-button is used to open a sentence-window (from which you can browse forward/backward through sentences of the current type).
  • The New Sentence-button is used to open a blank sentence window corresponding to the selected sentence type, for input of a new sentence.
  • The Enter new type-button is used to open a blank sentence window for a new sentence type in the selected sentence group (for input of a new sentence). The entity type argument combination is first selected in the 1st argument combo (and 2nd argument combo in case of binary sentence groups).
  • The Delete SG (all)-button is used to delete all sentences in the selected sentence group.
  • The Delete SG (derived only)-button is used to delete all derived sentences in the selected sentence group.
  • The Delete ST (all)-button is used to delete all sentences in the selected sentence type.
  • The Delete ST (derived only)-button is used to delete all derived sentences in the selected sentence type.
  • The Show dependents-button is used to draw the tree of dependents (with the selected sentence type as root).
  • The Show determinants-button is used to draw a tree of determinants (with the selected sentence type as root).
  • The Show sentence count-button isd used to displays the sentence counts for the selected sentence type (inputted, derived and total).

SQL-specific controls:

The three radio buttons show if the currently selected sentence type is declared as an export- or import ST-table. You can use the buttons to make such declarations, or removing them.

Creating an import- or export table declaration:

  • Enter the table name in the edit-field just under the radio buttons (this is optional for export tables - a default table name will be used if the field is blank). The table name can be prefixed with an SQL-database name (e.g. expdb.exptable). The default ST-table database will be used if no prefix is used (ref. Directory, file and SQL-database preferences-window).
  • Press the desired import/export radio button.
  • The Export to SQL ST-table-button (re-)creates an SQL table corresponding to the currently selected sentence type, and populated with all sentences of that type in the KB. You can enter the table name in the edit-field (the name can be prefixed with an SQL-database name e.g. stdb.sttable. A default table name will be used if the field is blank.