NL-syntax (3nl-files) Natural language syntax (sentences, functions and to a limited extent sentences rules).
PR-syntax (3pr-files) PROLOG-syntax (all types of knowledge).
Delimited text (3dl-files) Delimited text format (sentences).
XML text (xml-files) XML text format (all types of knowledge)
Term-syntax and term string-syntax The inference engine's internal knowledge format and its alternative string representation.
SENTENCES NL: See <Sentence> in the NL-syntax. Any type of sentence can be inputted in dynamically laid out Sentence-windows; sentence model entities can be inputted in the sentence model window; terminology entities can be inputted in Syntagm- or KB name Windows
PR: <Sentence> in the PR-syntax.
Delimited text: NL delimited text format.
XML: See the sentence-element in pro3Knowledge.xsd.
SENTENCE RULES Rule-tree: rule-tree (internal) syntax   Sentence rules are usually entered by using the rule editor. Sentence rule XML-format is essentially a text backup format.
PR: See <SentenceRule> in the PR-syntax.  
XML: See the sentenceRule-element in pro3Knowledge.xsd.
CERTAINTY RULES PR: See <CertaintyRule> in the PR-syntax.   Certainty rules are either entered in the Certainty Rule-window  or loaded from XML-format. 
XML: See the certaintyRule-element in pro3Knowledge.xsd
FUNCTIONS NL: See <FunctionDeclaration> and <FunctionDefinition> in the NL-syntax. Note the distinction between function declaration and function definition. Functions are also entered in the Function-window
XML: See the function-element in pro3Knowledge.xsd
PR: See <FunctionDeclaration> and <FunctionDefinition> in the PR-syntax.