To enter/update/delete or look at a syntagm or a synonym.

  • The upper combo control will only list syntagms and synonyms in the current segment context. You change the current segment context with the Current Segment Context-window.
  • In case of multi-lingual models, note that the current terminology is used. You can change the current terminology with the Current Terminology-window.


Enter the syntagm/synonym NL name in the upper combo control. You can also overtype the name of an existing syntagm/synonym (if displayed). Type/select the following controls and finally press Save New.

Type: Select syntagm or synonym.
KB Name: Enter the KB name.
*Segment: Enter a new segment or select an existing segment.
Class: Select the syntax class.
Form: Select the syntax form.

* = optional


Select a syntagm/synonym from the upper combo control. You can change the contents of any control. Finally press Update.

  • By changing the KB identifier you will destroy possibly many types of references to this syntagm/synonym. This must be avoided. Delete the references before you change the KB identifier.
  • You cannot change the NL name (i.e. the contents of the upper combo). Changing the NL name in the upper combo will be regarded as entering a new syntagm/synonym. You can however change the NL name associated with a KB identifier through the KB name-window.


Select a syntagm/synonym from the upper combo control. Then press Delete.

  • Many entities might reference this syntagm/synonym. By deleting it you will invalidate such references (the references are based on the KB identifier). Delete the references before you delete the syntagm/synonym.


Select a syntagm/synonym from the upper combo control. Then select another syntagm/synonym or close the window. Do not press Update or Delete.