For a general introduction to sentence rules see What are sentence rules? The basic simple implication rule is described there in detail. Sentence rules are classified as follows:








Rules can not be directly or indirectly recursive. This is related to the processing of the rules by the sentence derivation process.

Generalization Rules - Rules with logical OR (v)

In the Rent-a-Car KB there are several types of cash flows: expense cash flows, revenue cash flows, repayments etc. For the purpose of deriving aggregations such as net cash flows, discounted cash flows and ultimately net present values, it is practical to derive generic cash flows from the various cash flow types. The following rule does just that:

The generalization rule is mainly a rule editor input-concept, since all rules containing logical OR-operators (v) are stored in the KB as a OR-free sub-rules (the OR-operators are eliminated during translation to internal format). Consequently, rules with OR are not supported in PR-format. The above rule is represented as three sub-rules in the KB, corresponding to the three branches of the OR-operator. The following sub-rule represents the first branch of the OR-operator:

Type="expense" (i.e. the assignment of the literal "expense" to the variable named Type, is an example of a variable condition component of a rule).

Rules with open entity type arguments

The entity type arguments in the rules above are fixed, that is, explicitly specified. Entity type arguments can also be open or unspecified, i.e. represented by a variable in the rule-tree:

The rule above states that everything which is projected also is conditionally projected for all existing business scenarios. is projected is a unary predicate type (one entity type argument). Binary predicate types can have one or both entity types unspecified (open).

Note that rules with open entity arguments only can be interpreted via the sentence derivation process. The rules can not be handled by the inference engine directly.

Function calls in sentence rules

Let's look at a more complex rule:

The rule above has six AND'ed condition components: three unary sentence conditions and three variable conditions. The first variable condition involves a call to a non-deterministic function (the built-in function integer series), while the remaining two involve calls to deterministic functions. The last call to the built-in function minimum integer involves an integer list domain parameter called list of integers. The actual parameter in in the rule is a list with two integers: the data element no of vehicles (from the first sentence condition) and the rule variable MarketSlice. Note that variables are suffixed with domain indicators (e.g. /IN for an integer domain variable). 

Note the following restrictions in calling functions:

  • functions can only be called in the rule's condition;
  • function calls can only be "assigned" to a simple variable (directly or via an expression);
  • a function-call can not be used as actual parameter in another function call.


Individual list elements (values) can only be accessed indirectly by using the built-in function list element no:


actual parameters is a list-domain data element type (of the ANY-domain, which means that the elements of the list can be of different domains). The second actual parameter is accessed via a function call and indirectly assigned to the ticker data element type in the conclusion. (The certainty-rule evaluation is recorded is a system-generated sentence, which captures the result of an evaluation of a inexact rule).

Rules Working On Sets Of Sentences

Set rules conclude sentences which are derived in various ways from sets of other sentences (or sentence combinations ANDed together). Set rules use (call) at least one of Pro/3's procedures in the rule's conclusion. This call looks superficially like a function call, but has otherwise no similarity with such calls. The inference engine's processing of a set rule can be more easily understood in relational database terms: 

  • The condition part of the rule defines a condition set, a (usually) non-normalized table where each row either is a sentence or two or more sentences joined  together. 
  • The condition set is sometimes viewed as two or more condition sub-sets. Sub-sets are defined as rows in the table with the same value for one or more of the data element types (columns).
  • The procedures refer to various type of operations on the data element types of the condition (sub-)set. These operations include sums, averages, minimums. maximums and several other. There are two sub-types of set rules: statistical rules and selection, interpolation, ranking, correlation and accumulation rules

The following discusses the set rules in somewhat summarized manner. A comprehensive set of examples with explanation of the different rules in more detail, is mandatory to fully understand the concept and workings of the set rules. 

Note the following restrictions in using procedures:

  • procedures can only be used in the rule's conclusion;
  • procedures are normally assigned directly to a data element type, however some procedures can form part of an expression (assigned to a data element type);
  • a procedure can not be used as actual parameter to another procedure.

Statistical Rules

The statistical rules assign values to the data elements in the concluded sentence by using one or more of the statistical procedures. The value assigned to one or more of the data elements in the conclusion, is determined through a call to one of the statistical procedures. There are 13 statistical procedures in addition to the TIMESERIES_OF-procedure (described under).

The statistical procedures take one, two or no parameters. No parameters are needed by the SENTENCE_COUNT procedure since it simply returns the number of sentences in the  condition (sub-)set. All other procedures require the argument-parameter i.e. the data element from the condition sentence set which is computed on. The procedures which require two parameters view the sentences in condition set as an ordered set. The second parameter (series) is the data element which defines the order (sequence) of the sentences in the condition set.

There is no limit the number or combination of procedure calls in the conclusion. However, the series-parameter must always be the same data element. The inference will check this integrity constraint upon execution of the rule.

SUM_OF p3_rSum Computes the sum of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set. 1
SENTENCE_COUNT p3_rCnt Determines the number of sentences in the condition (sub-)set.  2
START_VALUE_OF p3_rStv Determines the start value of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set according to the sequence determined by the  series data element. 3
AVERAGE_OF p3_rAvg Computes the average of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set. 4
MEAN_OF p3_rMea Computes the mean of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set. 5
END_VALUE_OF p3_rEtv Determines the end value of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set according to the sequence determined by the  series data element. 6
STANDARD_DEVIATION_OF p3_rStd Computes the standard deviation of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set. 7
MINIMUM_OF p3_rMin Determines the minimum of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set. 8
MAXIMUM_OF p3_rMax Determines the maximum of the argument data element in the condition (sub-)set. 9
STARTPOINT_OF p3_rStim Determines the minimum value of the series data element in the condition (sub-)set (= the start of the sequence). 11
ENDPOINT_OF p3_rEtim Determines the maximum value of the series data element in the condition (sub-)set (= the start of the sequence). 12
MINIMUM_POINT_OF p3_rMit Determines the value of the series data element where the argument data element has its minimum value in the condition (sub-)set. 13
MAXIMUM_POINT_OF p3_rMat Determines the value of the series data element where the argument data element has its maximum value in the condition (sub-)set. 14
TIMESERIES_OF p3_rTS Returns a term-string domain data element with 14 components, corresponding to the 13 procedures above and a 14th element representing the difference between MAXIMUM_OF and MINIMUM_OF. The sequence of the components is the same as shown in this table with the difference-component between MAXIMUM_OF and STARTPOINT_OF. The procedure has two parameters:

argument: the data element subject to time series analysis; series: the series sequencing data element


Selection, interpolation, ranking, correlation and accumulation rules

The model for Pro/3's interpretation (processing) of a selection/interpolation/accumulation rule is as follows:

  1. The condition part of the rule, in a relational database analogy, defines a condition set, a (usually) non-normalized table joined  together of known sentences (tables). The condition sentence set is generated as defined by the rule's condition part. The procedure calls do not have any significance in generating the condition set. (The condition set (depending on the actual rule), may or may not be viewed as two or more condition sub-sets. Sub-sets are defined as condition sentences with same value for on or more of the data elements. ).
  2. An adjusted condition set is generated from the set in (1), and manipulated according to the the procedure calls. This set is a subset of the condition set when the MAXIMUM_OF, MINIMUM_OF or UNIQUE_OF procedures are used. It can be either a subset or a superset when the INTERPOLATION or DATE_INTERPOLATION procedures are used. The adjusted condition set has the same number of sentences when the ACCUMULATION_OF, STANDARD_RANKING or CORRELATION_OF procedures are used.
  3. The concluded sentences are generated from the adjusted condition set.

A rule must include one, and only one, of the following five procedure call types (corresponding to the five main procedure types):

  • one or more calls to the ACCUMULATION_OF procedure - whereby given data element(s) are accumulated over a series of sentences;
  • one call to the MAXIMUM_OF procedure - whereby a sentence with the highest value of a given data element in set of sentences is selected. The MAXIMUM_OF procedure can optionally be used in combination with any number of calls to the SELECT sub-procedure;
  • one call to the MINIMUM_OF procedure - whereby a sentence with the lowest value of a given data element in set of sentences is selected. The MINIMUM_OF procedure can optionally be used in combination with any number of calls to the SELECT sub-procedure;
  • one or more call to the UNIQUE_OF procedure - whereby sentences with unique values for given data elements are selected from a set of sentences. The UNIQUE_OF procedure can optionally be used in combination with any number of calls to the SELECT sub-procedure;
  • one call to the INTERPOLATION or DATE_INTERPOLATION procedure - whereby gaps in an ordered set of sentences are filled through interpolation. the INTERPOLATION procedure can optionally be used in combination with any number of calls to the MIDPOINT, PREDECESSOR, SUCCESSOR and FIXED sub-procedures.
  • one call to the STANDARD_RANKING or STATISTICAL_RANKING procedure and one or more calls to the SORT procedure, whereby the sentences are assigned a rank depending on the sequence of sentences after sorting.
  • one call to the CORRELATION_OF procedure.

Note that the series-parameter must always be the same data element in rules where more than one procedure uses this parameter. 

The selection, interpolation and accumulation procedures can best be understood by considering examples.

ACCUMULATION_OF p3_rAcc Accumulates the number argument element (data element) in the condition (sub-)set over the series defined by the series data element (the series is always traversed in ascending order of the series data element). 
MAXIMUM_OF p3_rMax Determines the maximum value of the argument element (data element) in the condition (sub-)set. Maximum value refers to the sorting-wise highest value (which applies to integers, numbers and strings).

Can be used in combination with sub-procedure SELECT.

MINIMUM_OF p3_rMin Determines the minimum value of the argument element ( data element) in the condition (sub-)set. Minimum value refers to the sorting-wise highest value (which applies to integers, numbers and strings).

Can be used in combination with sub-procedure SELECT.

UNIQUE_OF  p3_rUn Determines sentences in the condition (sub-)set which has unique values of the number argument element (data element). If more than one calls to the Unique procedure are made, then uniqueness is defined as the situation where at least one of the data elements are unequal. 

Can be used in combination with sub-procedure SELECT.

INTERPOLATION p3_rCip Interpolates (and optionally extrapolates) sentences in the condition (sub-)set, i.e. where there are missing sentences as defined by the series element (data element), which defines the ordering of the condition (sub-)sets. Other parameters are: 

extrapolation: whether or not extrapolation is carried out on the start and/or end of the series (value is either of the Pro/3 identifiers EXTRAPOLATE_AT_START_ONLY, EXTRAPOLATE_AT_END_ONLY, EXTRAPOLATE_AT_START_AND_END or NO_EXTRAPOLATION); 

series-start: the start value for the sequence (not used in case of EXTRAPOLATE_AT_END_ONLY or NO_EXTRAPOLATION);

series-end: the end value for the sequence (not used in case if EXTRAPOLATE_AT_START_ONLY or NO_EXTRAPOLATION); series-step: the sequence increment value.

Note! series-start and series-end can be a constant or a data element from the condition set (it cannot be a simple variable or an expression). extrapolation is always an identifier constant.

Can be used in combination with sub-procedures FIXED, MIDPOINT, SUCCESSOR and PREDECESSOR.

DATE_INTERPOLATION p3_rCipxd Interpolates (and optionally extrapolates) sentences in the condition (sub-)set, i.e. where there are missing sentences as defined by the date series element (data element), which defines the ordering of the condition (sub-)sets. Other parameters are: 

extrapolation: whether or not extrapolation is carried out on the start and/or end of the series (value is either of the Pro/3 identifiers EXTRAPOLATE_AT_START_ONLY, EXTRAPOLATE_AT_END_ONLY, EXTRAPOLATE_AT_START_AND_END or NO_EXTRAPOLATION); 

date series-start: the start value for the sequence (not used in case of EXTRAPOLATE AT END ONLY or NO EXTRAPOLATION);

date series-end: the end value for the sequence (not used in case if EXTRAPOLATE_AT_START_ONLY or NO_EXTRAPOLATION); date series-step: the sequence increment value.

Note! date series-start and date series-end can be a constant or a data element from the condition set (it cannot be a simple variable or an expression). extrapolation is always an identifier constant.

Can be used in combination with sub-procedures FIXED, MIDPOINT, SUCCESSOR and PREDECESSOR.

STANDARD_RANKING p3_rRank Determines the ranking of sentences in the condition (sub-)sets i.e. on the basis of one or more calls to the sort sub-procedure. The order parameter determines the type of ranking i.e. actual values must be the Pro/3 identifiers ASCENDING (sentence with lowest value gets rank 1) or DESCENDING (sentence with highest value gets rank 1).

Ties are ranked with same integer e.g. 1,2,2,4,6,...

Must be used in combination with one or more calls to the SORT sub-procedure. Can be used in combination with SELECT sub-procedure.

STATISTICAL_RANKING p3_rRnks Determines the ranking of sentences in the condition (sub-)sets i.e. on the basis of one or more calls to the sort sub-procedure. The order parameter determines the type of ranking i.e. actual values must be the Pro/3 identifiers ASCENDING (sentence with lowest value gets rank 1.0) or DESCENDING (sentence with highest value gets rank 1.0).

Ties are ranked with by average values e.g. 1.0,2.5,2.5,4.0,6.0,...

Must be used in combination with one or more calls to the SORT sub-procedure. Can be used in combination with SELECT sub-procedure.

CORRELATION_OF p3_rCorr Determines the coefficient of correlation between the first number argument element (data element) and the second number argument element  (data elements) in the condition (sub-)set. The coefficient is set to 1 in sets with cardinality 1 (where correlation is meaningless).
FIXED p3_rDf argument element: the data element who will be interpolated by using a fixed value; default value: the fixed value to be used (Note! only constant values allowed).
MIDPOINT p3_rMnVa Specifies the "midpoint" interpolation method for the number argument element.
SUCCESSOR p3_rUpp Specifies the "successor" interpolation method for the number argument element.
PREDECESSOR p3_rLow Specifies the "predecessor" interpolation method for the number argument element.
SELECT p3_rAssg Specifies that the argument element is to be used as value for this data element.
SORT p3_rSort Determines the the sort sequence on which rankings are based (ref. standard ranking and statistical ranking procedures). The sort element no is an integer in the range [1,N], where N is the number of sorting elements (sort calls) in the rule. The sort element with no 1 is the most significant sort key.

Rules calling inexact rules

Inexact rules are used (called) in exactly the same way as functions in sentence rules, with the difference that inexact rule calls require a different internal processing of the rule. The rule is processed as if was a statistical rule. The certainty factor returned by the called rule is either assigned directly to a data element in the conclusion, or indirectly in an expression.

Note that Pro/3 is unconcerned with the semantic interpretation of the returned certainty factor. This is just another data element value. The certainty factor may state the certainty of the sentence as a whole (this might be the typical way of using certainty data elements), but this is not necessarily so. The correct interpretation is only known by the KE.

Note the following restrictions in calling inexact rules:

  • inexact rule calls can only be called in the rule's conclusion, i.e. rule calls are "assigned" to a simple data element type (directly or via an expression);
  • an inexact rule call can not be used as actual parameter in another inexact rule call.