Prior probability refers to the probability of the propositions prior to any evidence [e.g. without knowing anything else about the probability that Peter will catch tanigue tomorrow is 0.4]. p(d|s1) denotes the probability of d assuming s1 (on the condition that s1) [e.g. the probability that Peter will catch tanigue tomorrow when it is already known that there will be no dynamite fishing]. p(d|s1) = p(d&s1)/p(s1) = p(d&s1)/0.8 = p(d&s1)*1.25
p(d|s1) = p(d&s1)*1.25 = p(s1|d)*0.4*1.25 = p(s1|d)*0.5 p(d|s1&s2&s3) = p(s1&s2&s3|d)*p(d)/p(s1&s2&s3|d)
if all sk are independent, then p(d|s1&s2&s3) = p(s1&s2&s3|d)*p(d)/(p(s1)*p(s2)*p(s3)) = p(s1&s2&s3|d)*0.4/(0.8*0.5*0.3) = p(s1&s2&s3|d)*3.33 MB(d,s1) stands for the measure of the increase in belief in d given s1.given that p(d|s1) > p(d). MD(d,s1) stands for the measure of the increase in disbelief in d given s1.given that p(d|s1) < p(d). MB(d,s1) = (p(d|s1)-p(d))/(1-p(d))
MD(d,s1) = (p(d)-p(d|s1))/p(d)
Increment and Decrement Factors in Pro/3 The degree of increase in belief (or disbelief) in a proposition d given another proposition s are specified by a increment factor (and decrement factor). The first comes into play when the "post-evidence" probability of s is higher than the prior probability, while the latter comes into play when post-evidence probability is lower (ref. Bayesian-type certainty rules). The following table shows the certainty factors (CF) (computed by Pro/3) for d and the implied conditional probabilities p(d|s1) under four assumptions for p(s1) and four increment/decrement values: |
The next table shows the certainty factors for d and the implied conditional probabilities p(d|s2) under the same assumptions as above: |
And finally, the certainty factors for d and the implied conditional probabilities p(d|s3) under the same assumptions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Then some combinations of assumptions: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Using the combination-type rule (in place of the bayesian-type rule), gives the following results (the certainties in the center column has been computed via the prior probability): | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||