The KE Assistant Window is a permanent fixture in the Pro/3 MDI Window. It is often practical to place the window in the lower right corner of the MDI window (such that the annotation field as much as possible is visible when other windows are opened). Pro/3 remembers the position of the window next time Pro/3 is used - as long as Save Preference Settings at Exit is selected (processing options).


  • The upper Query-edit control can be used to type in queries on the fly. The query is processed by pressing the process button in the tool-bar.


  • The list-box rectangle in the center of the window displays processing messages. Messages are arranged in descending chronological order.


  • The smaller list-box rectangle in the lower left corner shows the currently open databases.The total KB RAM usage is displayed under this list-box.


  • The annotation controls is displaying annotation pertaining to the knowledge node (if any) displayed in the active window. The annotation fields can be used save new annotations and to update or delete existing annotations. 

  • The Repopulate-button is used to repopulate the annotation controls (i.e. after changes have been made in the KB). If you have added a knowledge node to the KB, you cannot annotate it until you have pressed the Repopulate-button. You can also use save a new annotation and update or delete an existing annotation.

  • Annotations can also be handled in the Annotation Window.