An essential assumption in traditional "crisp" logic is that something (an element belonging to a certain universe) either is a member of a given set or it is not a member, in which case it is a member of the complement set (in the universe). In fuzzy set theory this is not so. Fuzzy set membership is qualified by a degree of membership, given by the set's membership function, which is a mapping from an element (represented by a parameter or parameters) to a real number in the range [0,1]. This number is the membership degree, where 0 means that the element is not a member of the set, 1 means that element definitely is a member of the set, while values in the range <0,1> mean that the element is a member to a degree. The higher the value, the higher the degree of membership. An element can both be a member of a fuzzy set and its complement.

Fuzzy sets are named A, B, C, ... in this topic, while their associated membership functions are named FA, FB, FC ... Parameters which determine whether or not an element is member of a set are called x, y, z, ...FA(x) is the degree to which x is a member of A.

alpha-cut of FA aFA { x | FA(x) >= a }
strong alpha-cut of FA a+FA { x | FA(x) > a }
support of A 0+FA
core of A 1FA
level set of A L(A)  { a | exists x such that FA(x)=a }
height of A h(A)  max(A(x)) for all x in 0+FA.
A is normal  h(A)=1
A is sub-normal  h(A)<1
standard complement of A FA^(x) 1-FA(x).
averaging operation An operation on A, B, C, ... such that min(FA(x),FB(x),FB(x),...)  <= (FA op FB op FC...)(x) >= max(FA(x),FB(x),FB(x),...)
standard intersection1 of A and B (FA&FB)(x) min(FA(x),FB(x))
algebraic product intersection1 (FA&apFB)(x) FA(x)*FB(x)
bounded difference intersection1 (FA&bdFB)(x) max(0,FA(x)+FB(x)-1)
drastic intersection1 (FA&dFB)(x)
  • FB(x)=1: FA(x)
  • FA(x)=1: FB(x)
  • else: 0
standard union1 between A and B (FAUFB)(x) max(FA(x),FB(x))
algebraic sum union1 (FAUasFB)(x) FA(x)+FB(x)-FA(x)*FB(x)
bounded sum union1 (FAUbsFB)(x) min(1,FA(x)+FB(x))
drastic union1 (FAUdFB)(x)
  • FB(x)=0: FA(x)
  • FA(x)=0: FB(x)
  • else: 1
ordered weighted averaging FOWA(x) The ordered weighted averaging operation is associated with a weighting vector w=(w1,w2,...wN) where sum Ni=1 wi = 1.0. FOWA(x)=w1*F1(x)+w1*F2(x)+...+w1*FN(x).


  1. Intersection and union operations are commutative such that e.g. (FAUFB)(x)=(FBUFA)(x), and associate such that e.g. (FA&(FB&FC))(x)=((FA&FB)&FC)(x).