To enter parameters for KB initialization.
- Max. token length specifies the max. length of non-hyphenated single NL words. The valid range is 16-256.
Shorter maximums give better performance. Longer maximums give a more flexible and better NL interface.
- Max. KB name length specifies the max. length of KB name. The valid range is 5-256. Shorter maximums
give better performance. Longer maximums give a more flexibility in assigning KB names.
- Max. realm name length specifies the max. length of realm names.
The valid range is 4-256. Shorter maximums give better performance. Longer
maximums give more flexibility in naming realms
- Database identifier specifies the one-letter identifier which will be associated with this KB (database
file). The database identifier is case-sensitive, however it is recommended to use only upper-case identifiers
to avoid confusion.
- Max. SQL-name lengths specifies the max. length of
table- and column-names generated by Pro/3.
- Chain-table name prefix specifies the prefix used in
generated chain-table names (the prefix can be blank).
- ST-table name prefix specifies the prefix used in
ST-table names (the prefix can be blank) for tables which are
generated ad-hoc.
- Blank-substitute specifies an optional replacement
string (typically one character long e.g. an underscore) to be
used as substitute for blanks when generating SQL-names (table
and column names) and file names from NL-names.
- Case specifies whether generated SQL table- and column
names and file names, are generated in mixed case, lowercase or uppercase. Note
that column names and index names are not case sensitive
in MySQL. Table names in MySQL under Windows are not case
sensitive either. However, to be best prepared for any future
changes in this regard, it is a good idea to use case in a
consistent manner.
- Default ST-table database specifies the default
database for ad-hoc ST-tables (the KB SQL database will be used
if not specified).
- Term-string format i.e. 1 for Pro/3 type
term-strings, and 2 for standard Visual Prolog term-strings.
- Max. term-string length specifies the max.
permissible size for term-strings representing the conclusion
and condition fields (lt and rt columns in the chain tables). The condition-side of
sentence rule records can be thousands of characters long when
stored as term-strings in the database. The standard
value is 10000, but you might have to increase this if you
define very complex rules. Pro/3 will report violations of this
size limit.
Also see ST-tables.