Create Knowledge Stream-Window

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See also: Pro/3 MDI Window - PRO3.EXE - knowledge streams - publications and subscriptions


To add source knowledge in text files to an SQL-based knowledge stream. No translation is involved since knowledge streams consist of source knowledge.


  • Select source file opens the file selection dialog, i.e. to select the file which contains the knowledge to be added to the stream. The file must be of type 3nl, 3pr or xml and contain knowledge of the same type (sentences, sentence rules, inexact rule definitions or function definitions).
  • Table specifies the SQL table where the stream will be stored. Unless the table name is qualified with a database name, the table is assumed located in the same database as the knowledge base. The table (and the database if not the same as the KB), will be created if not existing).
  • (Re-)create table must be checked if existing rows in the table are to be deleted first.
  • The type of knowledge must be specified and this must be consistent with the actual contents of the source file.

The same knowledge stream table can contain both knowledge of different formats and different types.