To add create a new knowledge base (KB)
cluster, or to view the status of an existing KB cluster.
cluster-related tables in p3publications database
must exist before clusters can be created. The tables can be created with
the Create cluster tables-command in the Knowledge Base-menu.
- Member# is always 0 or the KB originating the
cluster. Member no's are assigned automatically.
- Cluster - a name identifying the cluster.
- Open share - the
open share used by
the cluster (e.g. xxx.yyy where xxx is the
SQL database and yyy is the open share table).
The open share must be defined before the
cluster is processed.
- Knowledge stream - the (optional)
knowledge stream the
cluster KBs are reading from (e.g. xxx.yyy where xxx
is the SQL database and yyy is the open share
table). The knowledge stream must exist
before the cluster is processed.
- Create - creates a new cluster with the current KB as
the originating KB (member no. 0).
- Reset - resets the cluster by:
- dropping all member KBs except member no. 0
- removing all subscriptions and publications by the dropped
- sets the cluster's knowledge stream as not processed
There are no particular constraints on the databases
containing the KBs, the open share and the knowledge stream.
They can all be the same, or all be different. However, do not
use the p3publications nor the p3bridge databases. |