Pro/3 Web - user accounts - login - requests - inexact rule evaluation - queries - standard queries - reports


Pro/3 Web

Pro/3 web is a browser-based client for access to Pro/3 knowledge bases. This is accomplished by the following configuration, with PRO3.EXE running in server-mode:

The configuration can be based on Apache or other web servers.

User Accounts

You need a user account to access the knowledge bases. Request for this at the Pro/3 web site. A password will be mailed to the address you specify (the mail address serves as your user name e.g.


Enter your user name and password and select the knowledge base you want to use. Enter a blank password if you have forgotten it - the password hint will then be displayed.


Once logged in you can perform the following types of requests:

  • run any of the reports

  • run any of the standard queries or query clusters (i.e. queries or query clusters available from the knowledge base you are using)

  • enter and run your own query and optionally save it in the P3BRIDGE database for future use

  • run any of your saved queries

The server follows a simple single-thread scheme and processes one request at a time, and incoming requests are queued on a first-come-first-served basis.

The web client requests for the Request Status-page just after a request has been made. This page will be displayed unless:

  • the request has already been completed (and there is no list of  results from previous completed requests which have not yet been shown) - in this case the results of the request are shown
  • the server has a question for the user (from an inexact rule network evaluation) - in this case a question page is displayed

The Request Status-page shows the following:

  • your queued requests (with position in queue indicated)
  • the currently processed request (your request or another user's request)
  • your completed requests

You can select a completed request for display (i.e. display of the response). This will be followed by the deletion of the request (and the corresponding response) from the dispatcher database.

The server will not allow more requests to be made when you have:

  •  three requests in queue; or
  • five completed (and not yet displayed) requests


A query request can involve evaluation of inexact rule network(s) with question-type rules. These can be single questions or question series or question clusters. The question-page will be displayed automatically, or if the Request Status-page is shown, by clicking REFRESH. Inexact rule networks intended for use with web clients should be designed with the aim of reducing the number of interactions with the user. Inexact rule input facilities are designed especially for this purpose.

 If your request is being processed and you know or suspect that a question might be pending, you should click REFRESH at regular intervals. The request will be aborted if a single question is kept pending for more than 30 seconds, or a question series or cluster is kept pending for more than 90 seconds.

Queries involving inexact rule questions to the client can only be requested when the server is idle (to avoid that the query is queued and eventually processed when the requesting user has already logged out, and thus holding up the server until time-out).


QUERY FORMAT: Pro/3 accepts both natural language-style (English) and PROLOG-style queries. There are few reasons for not using the natural language-style format. 


Responses to your queries are generated in natural language-style, in PROLOG-style or in tabular format. The format is basically irrelevant for single-value queries. The "blank" query (which lists all sentence types in the current knowledge base context), is always responded to in natural language format. The tabular format is the most practical alternative for most queries.


See What is Pro/3 - Queries for format for and explanation of the various query types understood by Pro/3. If you are unfamiliar with Pro/3, then it is a good idea to look at some standard queries before you start making your own queries. The Sentence Type-reports are also good references for the contents of the knowledge base, and thus also a good reference when formulating queries. A blank query (i.e. simply a question-mark) triggers the display of the Sentence type-report.

Standard Queries

Standard queries form a part of the knowledge base. There are two types: single queries and cluster queries. Cluster queries are sets of queries processed in a single request. Standard queries may or may not be parameterized. You will be prompted for actual parameter values if the query has parameter(s). Note that PR-format queries require parameters in PR-format (while NL-format queries require parameters in NL-format). For this reason it is generally a good idea to define queries with parameters in PR-format.



Select the report you want to generate. For more information on Pro/3 reports you might refer to the relevant parts of Pro/3 documentation.

Asserting Knowledge

Knowledge can be asserted (inputted) to the knowledge base via a knowledge stream associated with the server (specified in the server-mode control window in pro3.exe. The Pro/3 server will check for new knowledge in the stream (and update the knowledge base accordingly) before processing queries.