Facts and Rules of the Einstein's Puzzle Model

See also: einstein puzzle - einstein puzzle solution - clustered KBs - einstein puzzle model step by step

General topics: Pro/3 home page  -  documentation overview  -  What is Pro/3?

Study Einstein's Puzzle before you review the facts and rules of the Pro/3 model. The model is explained separately. 



the red house exists!
the white house exists!
the green house exists!
the yellow house exists!
the blue house exists!
the British national exists!
the Swedish national exists!
the Danish national exists!
the Norwegian national exists!
the German national exists!
Blue Master cigarettes exist!
Prince cigarettes exist!
Blend cigarettes exist!
Dunhill cigarettes exist!
Pall Mall cigarettes exist!
the dog pet exists!
the cat pet exists!
the horse pet exists!
the fish pet exists!
the bird pet exists!
the tea beverage exists!
the coffee beverage exists!
the water beverage exists!
the beer beverage exists!
the milk beverage exists!
lot 1 exists!
lot 2 exists!
lot 3 exists!
lot 4 exists!
lot 5 exists!


/* 1 - the Brit lives in the red house */

if the British national lives on lot L, then the red house stands on lot L!
if the British national does not live on lot L, then the red house does not stand on lot L!
if the red house stands on lot L, then the British national lives on lot L!
if the red house does not stand on lot L, then the British national does not live on lot L!

/* 2 - the Swede keeps a dog */

the Swedish national keeps the dog pet!
if the dog pet is kept on lot L, then the Swedish national lives on lot L!
if the dog pet is not kept on lot L, then the Swedish national does not live on lot L!
if the Swedish national lives on lot L, then the dog pet is kept on lot L!
if the Swedish national does not live on lot L, then dog pet is not kept on lot L!

if national X lives on lot L and pet Y is kept on lot L, then national X keeps pet Y!

/* 3 - the Dane drinks tea */

if the tea beverage is consumed on lot L, then the Danish national lives on lot L!
if the tea beverage is not consumed on lot L, then the Danish national does not live on lot L!
if the Danish national lives on lot L, then the tea beverage is consumed on lot L!
if the Danish national does not live on lot L, then the tea beverage is not consumed on lot L!

/* 4 - the green house is on the left side of the white house */

the green house is on the left side of the white house!
if house X is on the left side of house Y, then house X does not stand on lot 5!
if house X is on the left side of house Y, then house Y does not stand on lot 1!
if house X is on the left side of house Y, house X stands on lot Lx, lot Ly exists and Ly<>(Lx+1), then house Y does not stand on lot Ly!
if house X is on the left side of house Y, house Y stands on lot Ly, lot Lx exists and Lx<>(Ly-1), then house X does not stand on lot Lx!
if house X is on the left side of house Y, house Z stands on lot Lz, Lz<=2, Y<>Z, X<>Z, lot L exists and L<=Lz, then house X does not stand on lot L!
if house X is on the left side of house Y, house Z stands on lot Lz, Lz<=2, Y<>Z, X<>Z, lot L exists and L<=(Lz+1), then house Y does not stand on lot L!

/* 5 - the person in the green house drinks coffee */

if the coffee beverage is consumed on lot L, then the green house stands on lot L!
if the coffee beverage is not consumed on lot L, then the green house does not stand on lot L!
if the green house stands on lot L, then the coffee beverage is consumed on lot L!
if the green house does not stand on lot L, then the coffee beverage is not consumed on lot L!

/* 6 - the person who smokes Pall Mall keeps a bird */

if the bird pet is kept on lot L, then Pall Mall cigarettes are smoked on lot L! 
if the bird pet is not kept on lot L, then Pall Mall cigarettes are not smoked on lot L! 
if Pall Mall cigarettes are smoked on lot L, then the bird pet is kept on lot L!
if Pall Mall cigarettes are not smoked on lot L, then the bird pet is not kept on lot L!

/* 7 - the person in the yellow house smokes Dunhill */

if Dunhill cigarettes are smoked on lot L, then the yellow house stands on lot L!
if Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot L, then the yellow house does not stand on lot L!
if the yellow house stands on lot L, then Dunhill cigarettes are smoked on lot L!
if the yellow house does not stand on lot L, then Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!

/* 8 - the person in the center house drinks milk */

the milk beverage is consumed on lot 3! 

/* 9 - the Norwegian lives in the leftmost house */

the Norwegian national lives in the leftmost house!
if national X lives in the leftmost house, then national X lives on lot 1!

/* 10 - the person who smokes Blend lives next to the person who keeps a cat */

if the cat pet is kept on lot 1, then Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 2!
if the cat pet is kept on lot 5, then Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 4!
if the cat pet is not kept on lot 1, then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 2!
if the cat pet is not kept on lot 5, then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 4!
if the cat pet is kept on lot L, then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!
if the cat pet is kept on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<(Lx-1), then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!
if the cat pet is kept on lot Lx, lot L exists and L>(Lx+1), then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!

if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 1, then the cat pet is kept on lot 2!
if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 5, then the cat pet is kept on lot 4!
if Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 5, then the cat pet is not kept on lot 4!
if Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 1, then the cat pet is not kept on lot 2!
if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot L, then the cat pet is not kept on lot L!
if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<(Lx-1), then cat pet is not kept on lot L!
if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot Lx, lot L exists and L>(Lx+1), then cat pet is not kept on lot L!

/* 11 - the person who keeps a horse lives next to the person who smokes Dunhill */

if the horse pet is kept on lot 1, then Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 2!
if the horse pet is kept on lot 5, then Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 4!
if the horse pet is not kept on lot 1, then Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot 2!
if the horse pet is not kept on lot 5, then Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot 4!
if the horse pet is kept on lot L, then Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!
if the horse pet is kept on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<(Lx-1), then Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!
if the horse pet is kept on lot Lx, lot L exists and L>(Lx+1), then Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!

if Dunhill cigarettes are smoked on lot 1, then the horse pet is kept on lot 2!
if Dunhill cigarettes are smoked on lot 5, then the horse pet is kept on lot 4!
if Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot 5, then the horse pet is not kept on lot 4!
if Dunhill cigarettes are not smoked on lot 1, then the horse pet is not kept on lot 2!
if Dunhill cigarettes are smoked on lot L, then the horse pet is not kept on lot L!
if Dunhill cigarettes are smoked on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<(Lx-1), then horse pet is not kept on lot L!
if Dunhill cigarettes are smoked on lot Lx, lot L exists and L>(Lx+1), then horse pet is not kept on lot L!

/* 12 - the person who smokes Blue Master drinks beer */

if Blue Master cigarettes are smoked on lot L, then the beer beverage is consumed on lot L! 
if Blue Master cigarettes are not smoked on lot L, then the beer beverage is not consumed on lot L! 
if the beer beverage is consumed on lot L, then Blue Master cigarettes are smoked on lot L!
if the beer beverage is not consumed on lot L, then Blue Master cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!

/* 13 - the German smokes Prince */

if Prince cigarettes are smoked on lot L, then the German national lives on lot L!
if Prince cigarettes are not smoked on lot L, then the German national does not live on lot L!
if the German national lives on lot L, then Prince cigarettes are smoked on lot L!
if the German national does not live on lot L, then Prince cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!

/* 14 - the Norwegian lives next to the blue house */

if the Norwegian national lives on lot 1, then the blue house stands on lot 2!
if the Norwegian national lives on lot 5, then the blue house stands on lot 4!
if the Norwegian national does not live on lot 1, then the blue house does not stand on lot 2!
if the Norwegian national does not live on lot 5, then the blue house does not stand on lot 4!
if the blue house stands on lot 1, then the Norwegian national lives on lot 2!
if the blue house stands on lot 5, then the Norwegian national lives on lot 4!
if the blue house does not stand on lot 1, then the Norwegian national does not live on lot 2!
if the blue house does not stand on lot 5, then the Norwegian national does not live on lot 4!

if the Norwegian national lives on lot L, then the blue house does not stand on lot L!
if the Norwegian national lives on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<(Lx-1), then the blue house does not stand on lot L!
if the Norwegian national lives on lot Lx, lot L exists and L>(Lx+1), then the blue house does not stand on lot L!
if the blue house stands on lot L, then the Norwegian national does not live on lot L!
if the blue house stands on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<(Lx-1), then the Norwegian national does not live on lot L!
if the blue house stands on lot Lx, lot L exists and L>(Lx+1), then the Norwegian national does not live on lot L!

/* 15 - the man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water */

if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 1, then the water beverage is consumed on lot 2!
if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 5, then the water beverage is consumed on lot 4!
if Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 1, then the water beverage is not consumed on lot 2!
if Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 5, then the water beverage is not consumed on lot 4!
if the water beverage is consumed on lot 1, then Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 2!
if the water beverage is consumed on lot 5, then Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot 4!
if the water beverage is not consumed on lot 1, then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 2!
if the water beverage is not consumed on lot 5, then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot 4!

if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot L, then the water beverage is not consumed on lot L!
if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot Lb, lot L exists and L<(Lb-1), then the water beverage is not consumed on lot L!
if Blend cigarettes are smoked on lot Lb, lot L exists and L>(Lb+1), then the water beverage is not consumed on lot L!
if the water beverage is consumed on lot L, then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!
if the water beverage is consumed on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<(Lx-1), then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!
if the water beverage is consumed on lot Lx, lot L exists and L>(Lx+1), then Blend cigarettes are not smoked on lot L!

/* uniqueness */

if house X exists, Ns=the number of sentences where the house X does not stand on lot Ld, Ns=4, 
lot L exists and false (the house X does not stand on lot L), then house X stands on lot L!
if lot L exists, Ns=the number of sentences where house Xd does not stand on lot L, Ns=4, 
house X exists and false (the house X does not stand on lot L), then house X stands on lot L!
if house X stands on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<>Lx, then house X does not stand on lot L!
if house X exists and the house with color<>X stands on lot L, then house X does not stand on lot L!

if national X exists, Ns=the number of sentences where the national X does not live on lot Ld, Ns=4, 
lot L exists and false (the national X does not live on lot L), then national X lives on lot L!
if lot L exists, Ns=the number of sentences where national Xd does not live on lot L, Ns=4, 
national X exists and false (the national X does not live on lot L), then national X lives on lot L!
if national X lives on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<>Lx, then national X does not live on lot L!
if national X exists and the national with nationality<>X lives on lot L, then national X does not live on lot L!

if beverage X exists, Ns=the number of sentences where the beverage X is not consumed on lot Ld, Ns=4, 
lot L exists and false (the beverage X is not consumed on lot L), then beverage X is consumed on lot L!
if lot L exists, Ns=the number of sentences where beverage Xd is not consumed on lot L, Ns=4, 
beverage X exists and false (the beverage X is not consumed on lot L), then beverage X is consumed on lot L!
if beverage X is consumed on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<>Lx, then beverage X is not consumed on lot L!
if beverage X exists and the beverage with type<>X is consumed on lot L, then beverage X is not consumed on lot L!

if cigarette X exists, Ns=the number of sentences where the cigarette X is not smoked on lot Ld, Ns=4, 
lot L exists and false (the cigarette X is not smoked on lot L), then cigarette X is smoked on lot L!
if lot L exists, Ns=the number of sentences where cigarette Xd is not smoked on lot L, Ns=4, 
cigarette X exists and false (the cigarette X is not smoked on lot L), then cigarette X is smoked on lot L!
if cigarette X is smoked on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<>Lx, then cigarette X is not smoked on lot L!
if cigarette X exists and cigarettes with brand <> X are smoked on lot L, then cigarette X is not smoked on lot L!

if the pet X exists, Ns=the number of sentences where the pet X is not kept on lot Ld, Ns=4, 
lot L exists and false (the pet X is not kept on lot L), then the pet X is kept on lot L!
if lot L exists, Ns=the number of sentences where the pet Xd is not kept on lot L, Ns=4, 
pet X exists and false (the pet X is not kept on lot L), then the pet X is kept on lot L!
if pet X is kept on lot Lx, lot L exists and L<>Lx, then pet X is not kept on lot L!
if pet X exists and the pet with species<>X is kept on lot L, then pet X is not kept on lot L!