This speech was given on the occassion of the performance of the Lady of the Sea by (as far as I remember), the Dramatis Personaa theater group, in Makati, Philippines 2004.
Ladies and Gentlemen. It's an honor to welcome you to the Carlos P. Romulo theater. Carlos P. Romulo, by the way, is the former Grand Old Man of Philippine Diplomacy and one of United Nations founding fathers. You have ALL seen him in the famous photo - coming in from the sea literally speaking - with President Quezon and General McCarthur onto a beach in Leyte in October 1944. Tonight’s play – The Lady from the Sea - was written by Henrik Ibsen who, internationally, is probably the most widely recognized Norwegian artist - in competition with his contemporaries Edward Grieg, the composer, and Edward Munch, the expressionist painter. Ibsen wrote his plays during the second half of the 1800s.